A trend of feminisation of public employment is being observed in India. This could help achieve gender parity in employment and achieve higher human development levels. But high job quality is also…
Indian-Americans say they do not enjoy any privileges, but since 1976 Indian businesses have availed of US government benefits to minorities, which they should not be entitled to since Indians in the…
Corporate-driven industrialisation has failed to create the jobs that India's youth need. We need a different kind of growth, one based on reducing the productivity gap between rural and urban…
The pandemic forced a fraction of India's salaried workers to fall back on self-employment or casual work, or to withdraw from the workforce entirely. It was only the salaried who held secure…
The co-existence of seasonal and regular employment has posed a challenge over the decades for accurately measuring unemployment in India. An explainer and a discussion in the light of the puzzling…
Urban workers have been the most badly hit by Covid-19. An employment guarantee would provide income support & also improve urban public services. Criticisms that it is unaffordable & that it…
Labour force surveys that yield estimates on job numbers are designed to capture work inputs in 'normal' situations. The concepts and methodology used can lead to errors in estimates during…
The abysmally low participation of women in paid work in India even today is very worrying. Policy interventions should look at how to encourage higher work participation, through offers of higher…
The unequal labour market in India would have seen a widening of disparities after Covid-19 struck. Those at the bottom, with few skills, limited education & without security, would have been…
"Our skill ecosystem has to be flexible and inclusive as this can be crucial to overturn the social constructions of worth in a society that is ridden with inequalities."