With its focus on growth and efficiency, mainstream Economics in the US has by and large ignored inequality. As a result, it has not tackled the big question: Is American capitalism today compatible…
In his new book, Joseph Stiglitz argues that neoliberalism has focused too much on limiting government restrictions (negative freedoms) while neglecting government support (positive freedoms). This…
For the first time in years, the NDA government has admitted that there is a need to prioritise job growth. But Budget 2024 does not offer the right policy thrust. The economy needs a new economic…
Economist Pranab Bardhan’s autobiographical account focuses on his intellectual growth alongside influential economists and ideas, rather than on personal details. It reflects the well-known…
India will become the world’s most populous country earlier than anticipated. It would however be counterproductive to take coercive steps towards population control.
Mainstream trade theory suppresses the variations and complexities of real life to produce an unsustainable myth of ‘Trade is Good’. Such theories have produced global inequalities and tensions,…
Bahujan students face hostility in universities but they cannot give up. They must fight to assert their identity, reject being called “non-meritorious” and master their subjects. One scholar…
The 2019 Nobel laureates in Economics should use their new stature to call for a moratorium on experiments done on vulnerable populations since poor ethical standards often mark the design and…
Contrary to appearance, measurement of income (or ‘money-metric’) poverty – by failing to be transparent about the assumptions and values informing it – can serve the purpose of apologetics.