In an economy characterised by a massively skewed distribution of resources, resulting in undeserved deprivation for the very many and equally undeserved super-abundance for a very few, surely there…
Inequality levels have reached historical highs under the Billionaire Raj. These extreme inequalities and their close links with social injustices can no longer be ignored. A comprehensive wealth tax…
The economy is growing rapidly and many economic indicators are flashing green. But the path that India has chosen, of promoting national business champions, has its limits. Economic distress is…
Poverty reduction in India is faltering. We present new state-level estimates of poverty based on imputation models using the Periodic Labour Force Survey data. These suggest that poverty incidence…
Educated women leaving the workforce hurts India’s growth. But child & family care options are lacking in the work structures we now have. We need “bridge” jobs, like part-time work, to help…
Do the southern states have valid concerns that they are unfairly treated in the allocation of budgetary transfers from the union? Or should state-specific concerns for fiscal stability be treated…
The Fact Sheet from the 2022-23 NSO survey suggests that poverty has sharply declined. A careful examination of the claim leads to the conclusion that until the unit-level data is available and…
The 2022-23 NSO survey tells us that welfare, inequality and poverty have improved since 2011-12. Considering all other data and developments of recent years, it would appear that either the 2022-23…
The “average farmer” label does not mean much in India when income levels vary greatly across farming families in states. When we put down how much different groups of farmers actually earn, we can…
Employment and wage trends since the mid-1990s have seen 3 phases of growth. In the 3rd period, since 2017–18, the ‘quantity’ of employment has grown. This has been mainly of the self-employed with…