Decades after Independence, we are yet to provide health care for all. Insurance is no answer. We need to identify strategies to bolster the foundation of India’s health system based on equality and…
"Most pregnant and nursing women in rural India engage in excessive domestic work for long hours in demanding circumstances with minimal help or rest, adding hardship to their lives."
India has the largest population of adolescents, a notable proportion of whom face mental health challenges. This requires actions beyond the health sector, including ensuring that adolescents live,…
India needs more focus on supporting adults with autism & their caregivers. While early diagnosis is important, autistic individuals need lifelong care. The government should ensure long-term…
Healthcare for all needs three things working together—a law guaranteeing the right to healthcare; universal health coverage to pay for it; and a focus on primary care to deliver it effectively. Each…
Those who suffer from rare diseases in India have to navigate a complex and often unsympathetic healthcare system. Their struggles highlight the need for doctors to listen, work together with…
The National Rural Health Mission has provided disadvantaged women with better access to maternal healthcare, but obstetric practices can sometimes be egregious, adverse, and even violent. Gender and…
'Low birthweight and prematurity' is now the most common cause of child death in India. Apart from improving publicly provided newborn care, we need to communicate to families how…