Amiya Kumar Bagchi, who passed away just shy of 88, was a political economist known for his insightful analysis and passionate involvement in debates. He grounded his arguments in scholarly rigour—a…
A tribute to IG Patel, once Governor of the Reserve Bank of India and many other things: senior official in the Ministry of Finance, official in the IMF and the UN, and also head of important…
The canvas of Noorani's erudition, reflected in an astonishing output of books & articles, was vast: the Kashmir question, the Indian constitution, India's relations with China and…
'Patience, a quality of attention which is the finest refinement of desire, distinguished the work of Jayanta Mahapatra'. Meena Alexander's discussion of Jayanta Mahapatra's…
Ela Bhatt, committed to improving the well-being of self-employed women, was one of those rare people who, in their lifetime, saw more than one law travel from the drafting board to its…
Many health workers have given their lives working tirelessly for the Covid-19 ill; Dr. Pradip Bijalwan was one of them. His journey was different: he had given his life caring for the under-…
A tribute to the British literary giant of the second half of the 20th century, John Le Carrè, who died earlier this week, with a focus on his most memorable character, the tormented spymaster,…