For stronger democracy and federalism, India needs data democratisation. Improved data flow between government levels and open access for all users will enhance policymaking, scrutiny, and evidence-…
Nomadic pastoralism makes positive contributions to the man-made, natural, human and social capital stocks of the country; pastoralists therefore play an important role in Indian society. There are…
Rice procurement by the state in Punjab’s regulated markets has plummeted this year. In the mundane details of grain purchases lie hidden and fraught centre-state relations and reforms by stealth.
Bihar’s strategy of accelerating pump electrification may expand irrigation but unauthorised pumps and unpaid tariffs will create anarchy in the rural grid and hinder rural development. However,…
The Electricity Act of 2003 allows multiple power distributors in an area, intended mainly for rural areas. Now private companies are eyeing distribution in urban and industrial areas. Instead of…
Indian women’s agency is primarily influenced by marital status and caste, rather than religion or education. This suggests that legal reforms alone, like the Uniform Civil Code, might not be enough…
A trend of feminisation of public employment is being observed in India. This could help achieve gender parity in employment and achieve higher human development levels. But high job quality is also…
The Government of India's crèche scheme, now renamed as Palna, needs revised guidelines and procedures. This analysis questions its sustainability and highlights the need for clearer details on…
Expanding the Lok Sabha proportionally while preserving existing seats & equally distributing Rajya Sabha seats among states could resolve India’s delimitation deadlock without upsetting…
India’s skill development policy has struggled. Instead of spreading resources too thinly, public policy could achieve more by focusing on social upliftment, gender and caste equality, and regional…