This comprehensive road-map for better governance focuses more on practical solutions than on the underlying principles that guide government actions and citizen relationships. But can solutions be “…
‘Gandhi’s Places’ introduces us to the places Gandhi is associated with, the built environments he inhabited & engendered. This review looks at the manner of this introduction, the choices made…
Reports of the death of Buddhism in precolonial India were greatly exaggerated. The many Buddhisms promoted by ideologies across the spectrum in modern times came to distinctively shape South Asia.
Indians displaced across South and Southeast Asia between the 1940s and the 1960s used the law to make claims of the new states emerging from the end of colonialism.
Anticolonial leaders saw self-rule as intrinsically linked to projects of political education and economic advancement. A new study that charts these links between development and democracy resonates…
This student-friendly book admirably accomplishes its task of helping the reader understand economic policy changes in India since 1947. It suggests reforms helped the urban rich, but it does not…
The correspondence between MK Gandhi and Nilla Cram Cook, an American follower of Gandhi in the 1930s, compiled and edited meticulously, serves the immensely valuable purpose of historicising a…
Economist Pranab Bardhan’s autobiographical account focuses on his intellectual growth alongside influential economists and ideas, rather than on personal details. It reflects the well-known…
Debates amongst 18th and 19th century Muslim scholars on appropriate boundaries for friendship and intimacy with Hindus were sparked by the new political realities of colonial rule and fears of…