In spite of a crippling US blockade, Cuba, with its strong biotech industry and a commitment to public health, has developed as many as five vaccines against Covid-19, achieved the highest…
"The state’s withdrawal from partnerships with CSOs and its move towards market-based institutions and high net-worth individuals has privatised its welfare and redistribution functions. This…
The many processes that go into the conduct of elections in India have begun to be undermined, in the process weakening the functioning of democracy itself. The Election Commission of India needs to…
‘The central idea is that the anti-Brahmin movement — which developed into the Self-Respect Movement — became the site for the construction of an inclusive Dravidian identity that could build a “…
Instead of seeing the different worlds in India as invaluable resources from which we can learn and which we can draw on to build a better nation, our state sows suspicion among us about each other.
Mimetic and aspirational groups, only loosely connected to the BJP and the RSS, are propelling the growth of Hindutva in north India. They draw impunity from communalised forms of caste assertion and…
"In India, a birth-based model of citizenship is being cast off in favour of an ethnic and singular model. The civic all-encompassing idea of the nation and citizenship is giving way to a Hindu…